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What we do

At Help-U-File Family Law in Sacramento, we ease the pain of divorce by taking the advocacy out of the equation. You provide the information and give us your perspective and we present the best course of action.  We help manage whatever is required so that you are supported and backed up in the process.


How we do it

Our staff of top-notch paralegals and Law Student are trained in Family Law to recognize problems and develop solutions. We analyze the situation and draw up the paperwork for your signature.  No paperwork leaves the office without having been reviewed and approved by a practicing, experienced attorney.  We take care of filing and service so that when your matter is presented to the judge, it processes smoothly and easily through the system.  Our method of providing legal care means that you get your matter handled properly and effectively, at a cost that is about a third of what attorneys usually charge for representation.


Why we do it

We are helpers and doers.  We understand people have problems, and that the family court does not make itself very accessible, so Help-U-File fills a real need.  Help-U-File works toward making the divorce process as easy and pain-free as possible.  Our promise is to give you top-quality service.  At the heart of our service is a desire to make life easier for the innocent participants in family law, the children.

Why use Help-U-File?

* No retainer, pay-as-you-go billing
* Appointment based service 
* Convenient location
* Service with your needs in mind
* Save up to 70 percent over ordinary legal fees



For more information: Call Help-U-File at (916) 454-4900 and we will make you an appointment. We are located across the street from the Ridgeway Law Center in Sacramento.


Family Law.

Tough Legal Problems.

Easy Legal Solutions.

Get back to what matters.



Contact Us


Monday-Thursday 8:45 A.M. to  5:00 P.M.

 Friday  8:45 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 

© 2005 Help-U-File.

All Rights Reserved.

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